![]() October 2020
We love all our alumni, and are most grateful for these members of the Alumni Council who always give their enthusiastic support to SDS. The 2020-21 council includes: Ricky Richardson '71, Susan Dunlap '81, Aaron Frost '09, Ann Bomar Caudle '01, James Hamilton '12, Billy Blackford '75, Kathleen Crowley '08, Jay Wakefield '80, Lucy Lynch '08, Ginger Davis '80, Faith Pope '01, Reid Wildman '04, Chris Stone '73, Missy Gerscovich '04, Darryl Evans '06, Randall Fernanders '08. Adam Whitehill '10, Caroline Richardson '06, Cathryn Judice '02, Hunter Brown '07, Jayde Barton '11, Richard Rhodes '98 and Rogers Settle '03. And special thanks to President William Gray '00.
We hope you've had a chance to catch up with SDS and our Griffin alumni in the latest edition of Skylyner Magazine. If you have news to share for our next edition (graduation, marriage, new baby, etc.) we'd love to hear from you! Email us your information and a photo.
If you didn't receive the magazine and would like to, please contact us with your most current mailing address.
It's always wonderful to have alumni return to SDS as faculty working with our next generation of Griffins. Susan Jeffords '80 returned as a kindergarten assistant teacher this year, Sara Hutchins '17 is serving as our Middle School volleyball coach, Ella Webster '16 returned to work in the Extended Day Program, and Rebekah Gladson '07 is working as one of our school counselors. ![]() Susan Jeffords ![]() Rebekah Gladson ![]() Ella Webster ![]() Sara Hutchins
We're disappointed to report that due to the pandemic, THANKSGRIFFIN 2020 will be cancelled this year. We look forward to the return of alumni gatherings like this and will miss seeing each of you. But whether or not we celebrate together, we're thankful for all of our Griffin alumni. See you in 2021!
The SDS Sports Hall of Fame was created to recognize former Griffin student athletes and coaches who have outstanding athletic accomplishments or have made significant contributions to SDS athletics. We are still planning to induct a new member during Homecoming in 2021 and welcome nominations until Nov. 20. ![]()
Some our happiest welcomes on the first day of school are for our alumni who enroll their children at SDS. Cat Hunt Judice has son Liam in 2K, Maggie Hodge Nowell has Lorelai enrolled in 2K, Winthrop Allen has Jane in 4K and Phillip in 5K, Stephanie Foster Roland has Micah in first grade and Asher in third grade, and DeAnna Riddle has Riddick in second grade and Jayce in sixth grade. Welcome, Griffins! ![]() The Allen Family
Elsa Crowley Hepner '04 - Head of Middle School, Grace Church School, New York, New York Great classrooms begin with great teachers, and it is no surprise to hear of Griffin alumni who were inspired by their Day School faculty and coaches to become teachers and educational leaders themselves. Elsa Crowley Hepner is the Head of the Middle School of Grace Church School in New York, N.Y. Elsa taught Latin and Classics in the Middle School before accepting the position of Head of Middle School this Spring.
"First inspired by my high school Latin teacher, Berkeley Brown Gillentine, I have known I wanted to be an educator since eleventh grade. Through college and graduate school, this goal remained: to educate and to inspire as my Latin teacher did, to encourage my students to find their own inspiration and to engage themselves. Before arriving at Grace Church School in New York, I taught at four other schools. While my experiences at those other schools were positive, I think I was always searching for the kind of community I had grown up in at SDS. A loving place where I was encouraged to be both my authentic and best self. I found it at Grace. Ironically, they are also Griffins!I knew the moment I walked through the door that Grace was truly an exceptional place. What I did not realize was that over the next eight years, it would become my second educational home after SDS. I am so honored and excited to become the new Head of Middle School and invest myself further in the community that I so love. Go, Griffins!"
![]() Elsa Crowley Hepner '04
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We want to hear from you! Visit our website to update your contact information, or email us with your important news – graduation, awards, marriage or a new baby. Remember, you are forever a Griffin! |