News from the Upper School

Week of Dec. 16
Week of Dec. 16
Week of Dec. 16

The week before exams always seems to have a buzz of excitement to it. Students are finishing up assignments and preparing for their midterms, but they are also decorating the Christmas tree in the rotunda, celebrating with the advisories, wearing Christmas sweaters, and participating in the annual Gingerbread House competition. A special thank you to all who have contributed to trimming the tree in Presnell; there are mittens, gloves, socks, and hats from top to bottom. We are incredibly thankful for your kind contributions to our drive and all of your donations will help a member of our own Spartanburg community. 

Next week will host our midterm exams and students have begun preparing with their teachers. The schedule for exams is:

Students should arrive at least 15 minutes before the exam is scheduled to begin. Students are not allowed to leave campus between exams, but may arrive late/leave early if they only have one exam schedule for the day. Please feel free to reach out to Jillian or Amanda with any questions regarding exams or the exam schedule.

While we are all on campus for another week, these are the last full days that we are all together before the holiday break. The flurry of activity and Christmas spirit has been a welcome change to our days.


Have a great weekend,

Amanda & Jillian


College Counseling Corner

Week of Feb. 17

If you would like to take the March 8th SAT, the deadline to register is February 21st

Junior Families - please schedule your family meeting with your college counselor if you have not done so already.


Upcoming Events

Presnell, Seminar Room