News from the Upper School

Week of Jan. 13
Week of Jan. 13
Week of Jan. 13

The spring semester has officially begun! Homecoming plans are in the works, students have begun thinking about courses for next year, and classes are back in session.

Eleven international students joined us in the Upper School on Tuesday. While they will be here for a varying amount of time (some for a month, others until they graduate), they have all found a home here at SDS. It was no surprise to us that, by the end of the week, everyone had settled into friend groups, were laughing at lunch tables, and were making weekend plans. 

We have a few Upper School events on the horizon. Next week the Upper School Art Exhibit will begin in Dent Gallery and students will be invited to a reception on Tuesday during their midday break. Homecoming week is January 27 - 31, and we will be sharing more information about Homecoming events as we move closer to the end of January. 

Chris Duncan will begin holding SAT prep sessions on Sundays at 1pm (1/12, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 3/2). Please have your student email Dr. Duncan if they are interested in attending these SAT prep sessions. 

The new Upper School Division Head, Jenny Glenn, will be at Streaking Birdies on January 16 (6pm - 8pm) for a meet and greet. If you plan on attending please RSVP to by January 14. We are asking that this be a parents/adult only event. Jenny is looking forward to seeing everyone and getting to know our US community. We hope that you are able to attend!

Please let us know if you have any questions about semester one grades or courses. We are also encouraging students to reach out directly to their teachers with any questions or concerns.

We hope that you are all enjoying the Snow Day!

With gratitude,

Jillian and Amanda


College Counseling Corner

Week of Feb. 17

If you would like to take the March 8th SAT, the deadline to register is February 21st

Junior Families - please schedule your family meeting with your college counselor if you have not done so already.


Upcoming Events

Presnell, Seminar Room