News from the Upper School
It was nice to see those of you who could attend the Meet and Greet with Jenny Glenn last night. She is excited about her new role beginning in July and her family’s move to Spartanburg to join our amazing community.
I hope students and teachers can use this long weekend to rest and continue recuperating from illnesses that seem to be running through our halls right now. As much as students do not want to miss school because they feel they will get too far behind in their classes, it is important students do not come to school sick or if they have not been fever-free for at least 24 hours. Thank you for everyone’s cooperation with this.
On Tuesday, Upper School students and faculty had a chance to view the Upper School Art Show in the Dent Gallery. Our Upper School art students are so talented. Please take some time to wander through there between now and February 7.
The next two weeks will be a flurry of activity as we prepare for Homecoming Week which is the week of January 27. Classes have begun painting banners, writing video scripts, and making plans for hall decorations. Homecoming Week culminates with “A Night in Paris” dance from 8:00 - 10:00 pm.
Basketball season is in full swing and spring sports will be having tryouts starting next week. A lot going on which makes the spring semester go by with lightning speed.
As we begin a 3-day weekend, we wanted to pass along some service ideas for Monday, which is Martin Luther King Day of Service. We hope that you and your family might have an opportunity to serve in our community.
Enjoy the weekend!
Amanda and Jillian
Upcoming Dates:
1/20 - School Holiday, no school
1/26 - SAT Prep; 1:00 - 3:00 Seminar Room
1/27 - 1/31 Homecoming Week
2/5 - Parents’ Community All Parent Meeting 8:30 - Dent Gallery
2/7 - Parents’ Community Family Game Night 5:30 - 7:30
2/9 - SAT Prep; 1:00 - 3:00 Seminar Room
2/11 - Coffee with Counselors 8:00 - 9:00
2/14 - School Holiday
2/17 - School Holiday
2/24 - 2/28 Special Studies Week
3/7 - End of Q3
3/8 - SAT on Campus
College Counseling Corner
If you would like to take the March 8th SAT, the deadline to register is February 21st.
Junior Families - please schedule your family meeting with your college counselor if you have not done so already.